Wednesday, August 24, 2011

N+1 = Genesis Day One Cross

Apologies for the lack of posts during the last couple of months, I've been in the process of moving house and it's been a tad time consuming to say the least. However, it is now done and I officially live in something called The Country! Oh yes, after 11 years of living in the centre of Bristol and best part of 25 years living in large cities, I am now resident in a village in North Somerset. Of course, this country living has it's downsides, it's further into work (hang on a minute, that's a plus) and it is cycle path most of the way (ok, another plus point) which means a new bike had to be purchased (hey, it's not all bad, this countryside living).
Now, I've had my eye on a cyclocross bike for sometime now and the excuse of a slightly rough surfaced cycle track and the cycle to work scheme was too much to resist. After much research, debate and general pontification, a Genesis Day One Cross was procured (big up to Bike on the triangle, Bristol who once again gave superb service) and here it is...

(or it would be, if I hadn't deleted the photo from my iPad without syncing. doh!

I have only ridden it couple of times but so far, I am very impressed. The Reynolds 520 Steel frame is nice and lively (no surprise here, it's virtually the same frame as my Ridgeback Solo, slightly different geometry and a higher bottom bracket but otherwise familiar), the wheels (Alex rims on no-brand hubs with double butted spokes) solid and the finishing kit is dependable if not exactly lightweight. As usual, Genesis have put together a good package that is greater than the sum of parts and real value for money. I have a feeling this may become my favorite bike.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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